Considerations When Choosing Assisted Living
At one time, families had very little choice when they decided it was time to send a loved one into an assisted living facility. That meant that there was very little differentiation among the different assisted living facilities when selecting between them. Frequently location and convenience were the determining factors in choosing one. Today that is no longer the case. Assisted living facilities come in many different types with different levels of service for your loved ones.
Determine The Level Of Care Needed
No longer is an assisted living facility defined by the two words “assisted living”. There are many different levels of care available when choosing an assisted living facility for or with a loved one. Some residents are still very independent and only need the convenience of medical care located within the community and convenient transportation services. These services can range from shopping trips to the local grocery store to day trips such as trips to the beach or a nearby casino.
Other assisted living stamford ct residents need include meal service provided at their home as well as full-time medical attention. What is great for those families is many assisted living facilities today offer the opportunity to increase the amount of care provided incrementally as their needs change when living in the facility.
Family Interaction
When choosing your assisted living facility, find out how much family interaction is permitted. In some cases the hours are extremely limited for the amount of time family can come and visit their loved ones. This is frequently because of the medical needs of others at the facility. If this is the case at a facility you are considering ask about alternate arrangements. One of those options depending on the level of care your loved one needs is to “check your relative out of the home for part of the day”. IN those situations you are permitted to take your loved one away from the facility as long as they are returned by a pre-arranged time.
Resident Activities
There may be times that family isn’t permitted to visit, but that doesn’t mean the assisted living facility isn’t offering entertainment options for its residents. Ask the facility you are considering moving your loved one into if they have activities such as clubs for sewing, reading or cooking at the facility. Be sure to review the assisted living facility’s activity flyer with your loved one when you visit so they can sigh up for the activities that interest them the most and no opportunities are missed at the assisted living facility.
At one time moving into an assisted living facility was considered by many to be an indication that the resident had significant health problems. Today, this is not the case. Many residents move into assisted living facility just to receive a little assistance in completing their daily tasks. With all the options that are available today, individuals and families have a big decision in front of them. Take your time picking your match.