Preventing A Serious Oral Disease With A Simple Dental Exam

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According to the American Cancer Society, studies have discovered that there will be more than 53,000 people who will be diagnosed with having oral cancer in the upcoming year of 2019. Sadly, more than 10,860 people will actually die from their diagnosis of having oral cancer. Sadly, these types of cancers are twice in common in males than females in the United States. Oral cancer can be found anywhere in the mouth such as a tongue, tonsils, oropharynx, the gums, floor of the mouth and many other areas in the mouth. Surprisingly, oral cancer is not something that you can detect on your own. Matter of fact, oral cancer is something that you may only noticed once oral cancer has reached its later stages. By then, you may not be able to properly treat your oral cancer and you can end up possibly even losing your life. What many people don’t realize is that visiting your dentist on a regular basis can help detect these types of cancers from spreading and taking your life. All it takes is a simple dental exam for your dentist to properly screen you for having oral cancer. 

Mouth cancer can happen to anyone and it is critical for people to become fully aware of the common signs of mouth cancer. Referring to Mayo Clinic, some of the common signs of mouth cancer includes: a mouth sore that does not heal, teeth that are loose for no apparent reason, a growth or lump inside your mouth, pain in your mouth, pain in your ear, and or difficulty or even pain while swallowing. However, it is also important to know that many people who do have oral cancer to not face any types of signs or symptoms in its earliest stages. This can put many people in danger, because when they wait so long to get treated, they could end up finding out that treatment may not be possible once it has gone so far. Visiting your dentist on a regular basis can prevent oral cancer and many other types of oral diseases from occurring to you. 

If you have neglected to see a dentist for many years, you may want to make your dental appointment as soon as you can. Your oral health is important to your overall medical health and even your life. You never really know what type of disease you could possibly be dealing with unless you are regularly screen by your dental professional. Take time to find your nearest dentist tri cities wa facility.

Many people should understand that it is very simple to maintain good oral health. Was practicing good oral hygiene and getting regular screenings, you are able to possibly catch a serious life-threatening disease from taking your life. Also, you want to make it one of your routine priorities in life to visit with your dental specialist twice a year, as recommended. Reach out to your nearest dentist today.


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