Do Perkier Breasts Help Improve Sex Drive?

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According to experts, the way you feel about your body and the way it looks can interfere with intimacy with your partner. This is much more common among women and can make it hard for them to muster the drive necessary to enjoy sex with their spouse or partner.

Because breasts are such a big part of the act itself, feeling they aren’t perky or youthful-looking enough can get in the way of enjoying intimacy. Here’s what you should know about fixing the problem.

Personal Body Image

The way you see yourself plays a big role in your sex drive. If you don’t like the way you look, your self-esteem can get in the way of your desire to intimate with your partner. The more critical you are toward your body and the way it looks, the higher your anxiety.

Many research studies have found that high anxiety often leads to low sexual desire. If you aren’t happy with the way your breasts look, you may not have the desire to be touched and may have trouble becoming aroused.

Public Body Image

Another factor in your level of sexual desire and the ability to become aroused has to do with you think others view you and your body. When a woman feels attractive, she will view herself as more desirable to her partner, which heightens sex drive and arousal. On the other hand, when a woman feels unattractive, whether she really is viewed that way by others or not, she will not be as eager to engage in sexual activity.

Studies have found that women have a measurably lower libido when they don’t feel attractive, as compared to when they do. So a woman who isn’t happy with her breasts may notice that she feels a lot more attractive if she has a breast uplift procedure.

How to Fix Low Sex Drive

There are several ways to patch up your sex drive and get back on track with your partner. One of the best is to stay tuned in to how your partner feels about your body. Many men struggle to make a woman believe that they like the way she looks, particularly if she isn’t happy with her body.

Believing what your partner says goes a long way toward boosting sex drive. Additionally, abstaining from saying negative things about your body, both in the bedroom and out of it, can help you build your libido, regardless of how your breasts look.

The Benefits of Breast Cosmetic Surgery

If you still can’t come to terms with your breasts because you don’t like how saggy they might be, there are methods you can use to improve their appearance, both for your sake and your partner’s. A breast uplift, as well as a breast augmentation procedure, can boost self-esteem and drive healthy sexuality.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a study found that women who are happy with their breasts have a higher reported degree of sexual satisfaction. So it makes sense to expect a higher sex drive if you have breast cosmetic surgery. Visit Europe Surgery for more information on the procedure.

Women all over the world struggle with their self-esteem, but there’s no reason to let it get in the way of intimacy and satisfaction. Being open and honest with your partner and considering a cosmetic procedure could be all it takes to get you back to the enjoyment you once experienced in the bedroom.


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