The Importance of Kidney Care
Individuals with kidney disease or some type of kidney issues which inhibits the body from removing waste from the bloodstream will need to have dialysis or renal replacement therapy. Dialysis can be long term or short term treatment for people with acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure, or for individuals awaiting a kidney transplant. The first successful dialysis treatment was performed in 1943. The dialysis treatment usually is paid for by the government for individuals who qualify in countries like the United Kingdom and the United States. The exact way of how dialysis works is on the principles of diffusion of solutes and ultrafiltration to fluids across a semipermeable membrane. There are currently three types of primary dialysis treatments and they are hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and hemofiltration.
The Differences Between Acute And Chronic Renal Failure
Acute renal failure is also known as acute kidney injury this is a rapid loss of kidney function which usually develops all of a sudden within 7 days. Acute kidney injury is caused by decreased blood flow to the kidneys also known as kidney ischemia. Other causes of acute kidney injury is low blood pressure, harmful substance exposed to the kidneys, or blockage of the urinary tract. There are two laboratory test that doctors and medical professionals use to determine if acute kidney injury is present. They are the blood urea nitrogen and creatinine laboratory test if these tests are elevated it’s a sign of acute kidney injury. The complications associated with acute kidney injuries are metabolic acidosis, excessively high potassium levels, and even death.
Chronic kidney disease is a kidney disease that occurs slowly and gradually over time to be specific over months and even years. There’s no symptoms of early chronic kidney disease but the later symptoms are leg swelling, vomiting, and feeling tired. Diseases associated with chronic kidney disease are heart disease, high blood pressure, or even anemia. There are complications associated with chronic kidney disease and they are diabetes, glomerulonephritis, and polycystic kidney disease.
Dialysis From The Comforts of Home
When a person is receiving home dialysis they are followed closely by a case management team with a nephrologist leading the team. Dialysis from the comforts of home gives the client a sense of safety, security, and well-being. Research has shown that clients do better on dialysis in the home because the client has control over his or her dialysis treatment.
A few advantages of dialysis in the home is that there’s less of a need for blood pressure medications, the client sleeps better, it’s more cost-effective, and the client has less dietary restrictions. The kidneys must be taken care of because they play an important role and maintaining the body and with waste removal. When people are healthy their kidneys are usually healthy as well. All organs in the body are the importance but the kidneys are those organs that maintains the body’s internal equilibrium of water and minerals. This is why it is so important for kidney health because unhealthy kidneys can cause the body to become unbalanced.